I invited a close friend over. I hadn't seen her since June, and since she works so close it just made sense that we'd get together after we finished our busy day on Capitol Hill. Quite unexpectedly, I was assigned a task that would have me out until right before I expected her over, but I thought I'd make it just in time. Well, little did I realize that she would be hanging outside of my house for half an hour or more while I rushed home. Adding to the pressure cooker that was my day, a few of my friends happened to be available for dinner, so I said, "the more, the merrier!" What's the point in having 4 lbs of pork tenderloin if there's no one there to eat it, right?
So I planned the menu in my head... coucous is quick (see a few posts ago) and I'd thawed out the pork. A pan sauce takes 10 minutes, max, with good chicken stock and some minced garlic. Whew! I had a plan. I barreled through the back door of my house (greeting one of my guests as I did so) and discovered that my delightful partner had not taken out the trash, as I assumed he had. My house smelled like two pugs (who desperately needed to go out) and garbage. Lovely for a dinner party.
I immediately clean up the gifts that had been left by my furry children, preheat the oven, and pour myself a heavy glass of chardonnay. It had de-chilled during my friend's long wait, so I, in the classiest fashion, added an ice cube. Into the oven I throw the tenderloin...

I had a better game plan for Wednesday. Pork Milanese with sauteed spinach and angel hair pasta. Recipe to follow next week, I promise. Maybe this weekend, if I get some time.
My other extra-curricular hobby is being an unabashed Francophile. My friend Paul shares my foodie-Francophile habits so we've been planning to cook together for a few weeks and finally hammered down a time and menu. I provided meat and friends and he brought veggies and wine. Unexpected success. The steaks were prepared on the stovetop grill with an Italian-inspired homemade rub and the sides Paul cooked up were a perfect pairing. Mashed sweet potatoes and carmelized endives. Recipes with due credit to guest foodie Paul will be forthcoming, as well.
Sorry for the quick and dirty update, but I didn't want anyone to think I'd let AIGT (sounds like "ate," right) slip through the cracks another week.
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