Thursday, June 10, 2010

Some Foods I Do Not Enjoy

Regular readers will know that there are a few foods I just don't like. There are others that I just can't eat. Some are tolerable, but not palatable to me, and other I just can't put in my mouth without it being involuntarily removed by my gag reflex. Graphic, I know. Well here is my list... Feel free to post yours! This post was inspired by a similar video post on the Washington Post website by food critic Tom Sietsema. Please note that these are not foods that I've never tried -- I have eaten them all, numerous times -- and don't like them.

Food I Absolutely Cannot Enjoy
  • Cilantro
    • It tastes like foul dish soap to me. There is a genetic link that isn't worth explaining, but it's absolutely inedible for me. Tasting the soapy pungency of cilantro immediately ruins my palate.
  • Bell Pepper
    • The flavor really permeates everything it touches. It is so unpleasant to me that when fajitas come out at Mexican places with sizzling bell peppers crossing in front of me, I get just a tad ill to my stomach.
  • Mayonnaise
    • This is a flavor / texture combination problem. I know many who swear by mayonnaise and I know it's offensive to most of the food world that I don't enjoy it. I can't help it, though. A schmear of mayonnaise on a sandwich excludes the possibility that I will eat it, unless it's a professional or mannerly requirement. I concede this is the least rational of my aversions, but it's among the most inflexible.
  • Licorice
    • Anything with a strong anise flavor puckers my mouth -- and not in a good way. Not unlike my cilanto-phobia, this flavor problem isn't voluntary or whimsical. It's actually something I can barely even get down.
Food I Don't Love -- But Can Tolerate
  • Cucumber
    • It's pretty flavorless to me, but something about it just doesn't appeal to me. I can deal with it in salads and sushi, but I do love pickles!
  • Avocado
    • This one's growing on me. Again, good in sushi, but still haven't graduated to guac. The texture is just not for me quite yet.
  • Canteloupe
    • This is more of a texture problem than flavor problem, but I can eat it if I must, but I'd never order it.
  • Liver
    • It usually tastes metallic to me, but in a decent pate, I will forgive it. Again, can do, but typically don't order on a menu.
What are some of your aversions? I know everyone has them!

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